
Sustainable mobility is a concept we hear more frequently among those who promote safer and more efficient mobility in cities, less polluting and equitable. Undoubtedly, it is one of the main global environmental trends, and our country has already planned to join it. At BBVA, we explain its meaning, importance, and how you can be a contributor.

What is Sustainable Mobility?

Sustainable mobility ensures that we get around in public spaces, whether public transport or walking, is inclusive, efficient, responsible, respectful, and aware of its environmental impact.

With sustainable mobility, we could safely go to work or school by bicycle without fear. We could also drastically reduce traffic jams and accidents and have much cleaner transport.

Above all definitions, sustainable mobility is an alternative and global trend that challenges the current mobility model, which is focused on private cars.

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Why is Sustainable Mobility Important?

To know its importance, it is worth mentioning that sustainable mobility is not just riding a bicycle, walking, and using public transport, but the relationship, connection, and combination that must exist between the different means of transportation or technological systems for mobility to respect the environment. Environment. With this in mind, two objectives of sustainable mobility can be established:

  • Reduce and minimize car and motorcycle use.
  • Encourage and promote public transport and the use of bicycles.

To achieve them, a transport system that is socially, economically, and environmentally responsible and sustainable is necessary for a better quality of life.

Sustainable mobility is important because it implies a commitment to the environment through reducing pollution and mitigating vehicular congestion. In addition, it contributes to a more humane and peaceful environment by optimizing public transport because all social sectors use it, and it is the most efficient in occupying space and using energy.

What is a Sustainable Mobility Plan?

The Sustainable Mobility Plan integrates articulated programs developed in Argentina, considering the best experiences worldwide, with recognized professionals’ contributions. This plan considers four fundamental management pillars in terms of transit and transportation:

  • Public Transport Priority: The aim is to encourage public transport, considering that a group transports 40-50 people and that, in the same space, two cars transport 3-4 people per car.
  • Healthy Mobility: The aim is to promote healthy mobility in bicycle and pedestrian routes throughout the City of Buenos Aires.
  • Traffic Regulation and Road Safety: Its main objective is to reduce road accidents and collaborate in traffic regulation.
  • Intelligent mobility: The Intelligent Transit System encompasses new instruments for ordering traffic and tools that facilitate circulation within the City of Buenos Aires. Better circulation, less travel time, and more road safety.

Buenos Aires is fully developing connectivity works that provide response and agility to circulation and also promote sustainable mobility.

Benefits of Non-Motorized Transportation

Are you ecologically aware, or would you like to live in a smart city? Start moving without a motor today! Although the bicycle will always be the most convenient alternative, if your strength is not sports or you travel long distances, there are many other electric transport options. Check here the advantages of non-motorized transport:

  • The impact of conventional means of transport on the environment is reduced.
  • Sustainability is encouraged and promoted.
  • The problems of fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, and also air pollution that affect human health are reduced.
  • A healthy and sustainable lifestyle is promote.
  • It saves money.
  • Physical and mental health is improve.
  • It fights against a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Renewable energies and environmental technology are promote.
  • Energy efficiency is promote.
  • Traffic is reduce, and there is better circulation.
  • A cleaner city and a better quality of life are achieve.
  • The fight against global warming and also climate change is promoted.

Every day, more brands are becoming aware of these benefits, which is why they offer products that encourage the use of non-motorized transport and BBVA, which we have special insurance for so that you can move with peace of mind on your bicycle.


Mobility is an activity that involves the movement of people from one place to another. Either through their means of locomotion or using some transport.

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