What is Electronic Technology?

Electronic technology is the application of scientific theories and principles in the design, production, installation, testing, maintenance, use, and control of electrical and electronic parts, devices, and systems. Electronic technology is used in all commercial, residential and industrial sectors. Technologists typically work as members of “engineering teams” in applied design, product development, installation, maintenance, manufacturing, production, or operations. Graduates can also work in technical services, including field service engineering, customer support, marketing, and sales. Graduates work in various industries, including manufacturing, utilities, and telecommunications.

Electronic technology; It has a wide range of fields of work, from computer-aided circuit design and production, radio-TV technologies, and civil/military communication systems to satellite communication systems. Electrical engineering is a pitch that deals with the design, display, and maintenance of electronic hardware, software, devices, methods, and control circuits needed in daily life and industrial production.

How does Electronic Technology Work?

Electronic Technology Work

Electronics uses active devices to control electron flow by amplification and rectification, which distinguishes it from classical electrical engineering, which only uses passive effects such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance to control electric current flow.

Basic Fact, Role, and Functions of Electronic Devices

Basic Fact and Roles

Both electronics and electricity deal with electrical currents. But individually focuses on a different use of electricity. Electricity deals primarily with electricity as a form of energy that can power lights, motors, and other devices. Electronics treat electrical current primarily as a means of transmitting the information. Streams that carry information are called signals.

A constant and unchanging electric current can carry energy. But the wind has to vary in some way to signal. Some electronic devices change the behavior of a current to create or modify alerts. Others interpret the signs. Cues can represent sounds, pictures, numbers, letters, or computer instructions. The calls can also count objects, measure time or temperature, or detect chemicals or radioactive materials.

Functions of Electronic Devices

Electronic devices execute three main tasks. Amplification, Switching, and Oscillation, all as part of circuits. A circuit is a collection of connected electronic devices and other components. By joining the three functions in various ways, engineers design electronic devices that perform many other specialized functions, such as B. high-speed operation of computers.

Changing Light into Electricity

When specific resources, such as copper oxide or selenium, are exposed to light, they generate or allow a current to flow through them. Electronic devices made from these materials can convert sunlight into electricity; such devices are called photo-electric devices or electric eyes. The present from a photo-electric device is usually tiny, and amplifiers must amplify the wind before it can be used.

Producing and Using X-Rays

Particular types of electron tubes are used to generate X-rays. X-rays can penetrate human tissue and other substances and leave an image on a photographic plate or fluorescent screen. X-rays can show what implications look like inside. It are use in diagnosis and therapy.

Diagnosis includes detecting fractures, foreign objects in the body, dental cavities, and conditions such as cancer. X-rays are also used in treatments, for example, to stop the spread of malignant tumors. X-rays are used in industry to determine the thickness of materials, and X-rays are also used for scanning electron microscopy to obtain a picture.

Development of Electronics

Electronics developed mainly from specific electrical experiments in the 19th century. These experiments involved using a gas discharge tube, a tube from which some of the air had been removed, leaving a thin gaseous mixture. The line had a metal electrode (electrical pole or terminal) at each end.

The tube glow brilliant colors when a battery was connect to the two electrodes. Scientists thought the negative electrode, the cathode, emitted invisible rays that caused the stains, called the invisible cathode rays. When the scientists extracted more air from the tuber for their experiments, the tubes became vacuum tubes.

In 1895, the German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen discovered that cathode rays could produce a completely different and unknown type of radiation. Cathode rays had these unusual rays when they struck the glass at the end of the tube opposite the cathode. To his surprise, Roentgen also discovered that the ray3 made in this way could penetrate animal and plant tissue and leave an imprint on a photographic plate. He called the mysterious rays X-rays.

In 1897, the discovery of electrons by British physicist Joseph J. Thomson led to the invention of devices capable of controlling and operating a flow of electrons or an electrical signal.

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Vacuum Tubes (Valves)

In 1904, British scientist John Ambrose Fleming construct the first vacuum tube that might be utilized commercially, and it was a two-electrode or diode tube that might detect radio signals. Over time, diode tubes were also widely use to rectify AC power.

In 1907, American inventor Lee De Forest patented a three-electrode tube or triode. The triode tube developed the first electronic amplifier; one of the first applications was telephone lines. In 1912 and 1913, De Forest and American radio pioneer Edwin H. Armstrong self-sufficiently established the triode tube as an oscillator. The creation of an electronic amplifier and oscillator led to radio broadcasting in the United States in 1920. This date also grades the beginning of the electronics industry.

In 1923, a Russian-born American genius named Vladimir K. Zworykin joined a photo-electric cell with an electron gun, creating the first successful television camera tube.

In 1921, Albert W. Hull created a vacuum tube oscillator called the magnetron. The magnetron was the first device capable of efficiently generating microwaves. Radar gradually evolved in the 1920s and 1930s, enabling the first widespread use of microwaves.

The vacuum tube era peaked with the completion of the first general-purpose electronic computer in 1946.

The Solid-State Era of Electronics

Primitive semiconductor components made of selenium had already served as rectifiers around 1900. Crystal detectors in early radios also stood for semiconductors. But none of these devices functioned.

Then, in the early 1940s, a crew of American physicists made the first successful semiconductor diodes. The group consisted of John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley. In 1947, the same team created the transistor. Producers began using transistors as amplifiers in hearing aids and pocket radios in the early 1950s. By the 1960s, semiconductor bodies and transistors had replaced vacuum tubes in many electronic devices.


In the late 1950s, military and space programs began to call for more compact electronic devices. Although manufacturers had reduced the size of electronic devices, each device was still a separate component in a circuit. As a result, the electronic equipment was too large for the needs of military and space programs. Electronics companies began working on designing much smaller courses. His work led to microelectronics: designing and manufacturing integrated circuits and devices that use integrated circuits.

By 1960, engineers and scientists had managed to build an integrated circuit. It had all the roles of a conventional course in a semiconductor crystal 1,000 times smaller than a traditional circuit.

Roles of Electronics

Today, electronics play a significant role in the development process of a country. Electronics play a catalytic role in improving production and also productivity in critical sectors of the economy, be it related to infrastructure, process industries, communications, or even workforce training. High-tech areas today are heavily dependent on electronics.

Electronics are traditionally classified into the consumer, industrial, defense, communications, and information processing sectors. Recently, medical electronics and also systems for transportation and energy companies have become essential segments in their own right.

Consumer electronics is the oldest sector in the industry, beginning with radio receivers’ development after the triode’s invention. International competitiveness in this area requires constant innovation.


Electronics is a complex subject that is determine by a multitude of interlocking principles and relationships. However, when broken down to its basics, several superficial relationships and devices determine the behavior of most electronic devices.

Rarely conduct electricity, even when a vast electrical force is apply. Voltage. All matter comprises atoms with electrons orbiting around the outside of the particles. Conductors have permitted electrons to share and will conduct electricity when a slight electrical force is apply. Semiconductors are reluctant to conduct electricity when moderate electrical power is use.

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