
Enterprise search software defines the software used to search for data within a business organization. The technology identifies and enables specific content to be indexed, searched, and viewed by authorized users across the enterprise.

How does Enterprise Search Software Work?

Enterprise Search Software Work

According to Gualtieri, most providers have connectors that allow companies to access various sources of information, such as databases, the cloud, and storage networks that contain PDF files. These connectors track the seeds, extract this data, whether structured or unstructured and send it to the index, where it will remain processed and stored. Furthermore, these connectors can remove content from the source system by forming an API connection between the data source and the index, so there is no need to access the source of information itself directly.

“The index is built by connecting to different data and information sources, explained Stephen Emmott, senior director and analyst at Gartner. “Those connectors are key to this ability. They link the index and the sources of the content and data.

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Pitfalls of Enterprise Search Software

“One of the key issues is not being able to connect to all the different repositories and having the right connectors to ensure that all of those sources of information are embedded and also can be indexed,” Emmott said. Likewise, another aspect to consider is the relevance of the information or the accuracy of the search results.

Enterprise search tools often use classifications to help employees find content and data. Though, that static findability – the ease with which data can be found – is not enough to ensure a good search experience for all users because there is no guarantee that the information they see is correct. What do you need?

Key Features to Look for When Choosing Enterprise Search Software

There are several features businesses should look for to choose a good business search tool. These are:

1. Support for Good Data Sources

Organizations should be careful to choose tools that can integrate their current data sources and those they plan to implement in the future. A platform can support 250 data source connectors, but if you can’t incorporate the one used by your organization, it’s the wrong one.

Some tools support native connectors and third-party connectors or provide API for organizations that want to create their own custom connectors.

2. Smart Recommendations

When enterprise search tools make recommendations, it is not enough that they offer the same results to all users. Platforms that use artificial intelligence (AI) can offer suggestions based on the interests and search behavior of other employees whose profiles are like the current user’s profile.

3. An Intuitive and Easy to Use Interface

As with any system, an association can implement a great enterprise search tool, but it won’t be successful if people aren’t using it. It depends on the intuitiveness and also ease of use of the system. Therefore, companies must implement a user-centric search tool with a top-notch user interface. The platform should also offer easy-to-use options, such as filters, to help users improve their search results.

4. Support for Different Search Types

Present enterprise search tools should allow users to:

  • Natural language (conversational) searches are offer by Google, Bing, and other mainstream search engines.
  • Media searches allow users to search for images and videos that are generally not searchable.
  • Multilingual searches to meet the needs of workers around the world.


Enterprise search is a tool or collection used to classify and deliver data to an enterprise’s internal users. Large enterprises have more and more data; without the right search tools. Finding the appropriate information can be time-consuming and costly. This is the problem enterprise search tries to solve.

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