
Software Technology is a full-service Information Technology solutions supplier specializing in e-business, Business Intelligence and Database Systems, systems integration, custom application design and progress, and computer programming facilities. Since its foundation in 2004, Software Technology, Inc has been committed to total customer satisfaction, quality services, reliable solutions, long-term partnerships, and a price/value structure.

By Elena Díaz Sánchez-Aguilera for Think Big . The pace at which new technologies advance is dizzying; given this paradigm, companies must immerse themselves in the new digital ecosystem. Like every year, we want to make a compilation of the most significant technological trends in software, hardware, science, and video game technologies, given the forecasts for 2018.

The Disruptive Technology: Blockchain


If we have to mention a disruptive technology this year, without a doubt, it would be the blockchain. It is a distributed database whose documentation is encrypted, and everything written in the said base can never be deleted. It represents a revolution in sharing information, especially in sectors where this technology is already used. Such as the financial sector.

However, the blockchain is currently used in other areas such as smart contracts, operations automation, subject to agreement, logistics, or the public sector. One of the problems it solves is that of trust because it provides greater transparency in transactions.

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The Heart of a Company: Big Data

Data has become the heart of a company, the most indispensable factor in improving customer relationships and making choices based on data, not intuition.

On the other hand, Big Data is already use in the world of culture and sports. Specifically, the Reina Sofía Museum in Spain successfully presented last October the first analysis carried out with this technology to learn about visitors’ behavior and preferences to improve their experience.

On the other hand, what about the sports world? Data analytics has proven effective in improving the performance of athletes, for example, in cycling. Through sensors that send all the information, “the data is beneficial, especially to analyze situations that have happened in competition and determine which cyclist of the team can perform to a greater extent and for a longer time, and in this way establish the roles of each rider daily,” commented the physical trainer of the Movistar Team, Mikel Zabala.

The War to Win Augmented and Virtual Reality

For years, virtual reality has been one of the technologies where companies have invested the most money to achieve experiences that will revolutionize the sector. The arrival of augmented reality replaced the fever of virtual reality. And suddenly, we all wanted to try on these glasses adapted to these technologies and experience what was possible with them.

The revolution continues, and the smartphone has become the great ally of both technologies. We have been able to see it with the phenomenon of Pokemon Go. Now the same company announces its next project will take place in the Harry Potter universe. The company has stated that players will learn to cast spells. Explore their real-world neighborhoods and cities, fight and discover legendary monsters, and team up to take down enemy forces.

The Unstoppable Advance of Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning

A study by Statista estimated that, in 2025. The artificial intelligence market would have a value of US$36.8 billion and business forecasts for 2017 were US$1.25 billion. This year was only the beginning of all the advancements to come.

For the time being, robots will not rule the world, and AI will not take jobs away from people. However, this technology is already capable of predicting the success of a startup or the risk of suffering from depression. Automatic learning or machine learning has shown to work within AI and, based on algorithms, is capable of making accurate and concrete predictions.

The Importance of Connectivity

Gartner predicted that, by the end of 2017. There would be more than 8.4 billion connected objects worldwide. The Internet of Things is reaching all areas of our daily life. With consumption being one of the sectors where it has been most integrated. Intelligent vehicles, smart cities, innovative responsible-consumption technologies, and also new business solutions in the medical, retail, logistics, or agriculture industries. Who hasn’t heard of all this?

Inefficiency in transport or energy waste is some of the aspects where IoT solutions can help. In addition, in production to minimize the environmental impact or in agriculture with the sensorization of the fields. The use of drones or the introduction of intelligent irrigation.


Software Development Technology is a profession that uses technologies and tools. To participate in the construction of software technology solutions, including concepts of networks, databases, transactions, and state-of-the-art computing models.

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