
Microsoft Azure, before known as Windows Azure, is Microsoft’s public cloud computing platform. It offers various cloud services, including computing, analytics, storage, and networking. Users can select from these services to develop and scale new applications or run existing applications in the public cloud.

The Azure platform is designed to help companies overcome challenges and achieve their business goals. It offers tools that support all industries, containing e-commerce, finance, and a variety of Fortune 500 companies, and supports open source technologies. This gives users the skill to use their favorite tools and technologies. Additionally, Azure offers four different forms of cloud computing: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and serverless.

How Does Microsoft Azure Work?

Microsoft Azure Work

Once customers sign up for Azure, they have entrance to all the facilities included in the Azure portal. Subscribers can use these facilities to make cloud-based means such as virtual machines (VMs) and databases.

In addition to Microsoft’s facilities through the Azure portal, several third parties provide software directly through Azure. The costs charged for third-party applications vary widely but may include payment for a subscription and fees for using the infrastructure used to host the application.

Microsoft offers five different client support options for Azure:

  • Basic
  • developer
  • Standard
  • live professionally
  • First

These customer care plans vary in scope and price. Primary care is available to all Azure accounts, but Microsoft is concerned about a fee for other support offerings.

What is Microsoft Azure for?

Since Microsoft Azure consists of many service presents, its use cases are diverse. Running virtual machines in the cloud is one of the best prevalent uses of Microsoft Azure. These computing resources can host infrastructure components such as Domain Name System (DNS) servers, Windows Server services such as Internet Information Services (IIS), or third-party apps. Microsoft also supports the use of third-party operating systems, such as B.Linux.

Azure is also widely used as a cloud database hosting platform. Microsoft offers serverless relational databases like Azure SQL and non-relational databases like NoSQL.

Moreover, the platform is widely used for backup and disaster recovery. Many societies use Azure Storage as an archive to meet their long-term data retention needs.

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What are the Advantages of Working with Azure?

Microsoft Azure allows you to virtualize machines, support data through the backup, and perform analytics, databases, networks, storage, and web, with incredible speed, lower latency, saving costs, and guaranteeing high availability of services (99%).

  • Secure storage and backup. It guarantees the privacy and integrity of the information. It is an ideal tool to store data and have backup copies outside the company.
  • Cost reduction. Pay per use; pay only for what you use.
  • Integration with other platforms. It integrates with other company cloud solutions such as Microsoft 365, Teams, or Sharepoint, but it is also compatible with any other open source technology.
  • Scalable and accessible. Increase or decrease contracted services quickly and.
  • Hybrid work. Work together in a local environment and the cloud, achieving greater effectiveness and security.

Azure Products and Services

Microsoft classifies Azure cloud services into nearly two dozen categories, including:


With these services, the user can provision and manage virtual machines, containers, and batch jobs, as well as support remote access to applications. In addition, computing resources created in the Azure cloud can be configured with public or private IP addresses, depending on whether the help wants to be accessible to the outside world.


These products help developers form cloud applications for mobile devices by providing notification services, support for core tasks, tools for creating application program interfaces (APIs), and also the ability to combine geospatial context with data.


These services provide distributed storage and analytics, as well as real-time analytics, big data analytics, data lakes, machine learning (ML), business intelligence (BI), internet data stream objects (IoT), and data storage capacities.


This group includes virtual networks, connections, dedicated gateways, and services for managing and diagnosing traffic, load balancing, DNS hosting, and protecting the network against DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service attacks. ).

Common Questions About Azure

Is it a Safe Tool?

Yes, security and privacy are fundamental to Microsoft, which is why Azure offers comprehensive, multi-layered security, providing the highest levels of trust and transparency. It also complies with the main standards and regulations.

Is Microsoft Azure Only Good for Windows Applications and Services?

No, Azure is compatible with any open source technology, so you can use and run almost any application using its data source, operating system, and device.

What Kind of Customers Use Azure?

Companies of all sizes, industries, and experience levels are already using Azure. For example, 95% of Fortune 500 companies rely on Microsoft Azure for their cloud services.


You’ve probably already heard of Microsoft Azure or the cloud concept. Cloud computing presents an excellent opportunity for all organizations, especially SMEs. Why? With Azure servers, you can flexibly have the infrastructure you need: physical servers, networks, virtual machines, development platforms, and storage. Yes, in Azure, you can build practically anything computing-wise.

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