
Creating the right email marketing campaign can take a company’s efforts further so that its messages reach the proper recipients. Whether to send the latest news about a product or service or to promote offers or other actions. Advertising email can achieve a level of customer engagement that complements other media such as social media campaigns.

What do terms like email marketing, newsletter, or metrics ( KPIs) like click-through-rate (CTR) mean?? We tell you everything so you can start your first email marketing campaign.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a marketing action strategy that uses the email channel to send messages to customers and other business contacts. It is a strategy that offers good results when it comes to developing a relationship with a brand’s customers. And that eventually leads to closing sales if in 2020, the market linked to email marketing was valued at 7,500 million US dollars. It is expected to grow to 17,900 by 2027, according to figures published in Statista.

Email marketing is functional and practical because it is a simple method of sending messages in bulk. However, this potential should not be confuse with impersonal emails successful marketing strategies are based on recipient consent, audience segmentation, and message personalization.

Most Used Types of Advertising Email

Types of Advertising Email

Promotional Email

this message promotes special offers, product launches, and premium download content for a company’s contacts. It will have a call to action at the end of the text specifying what action you want the user to carry out (for example, visiting the company website or using a discount coupon).

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Informative Emails

This category could include the so-called email marketing newsletter. In which general news about a business is shared with the contacts in the database (beyond the new products that may have been launch). The newsletter is usually sent with a specific frequency (weekly, monthly), generating precious points of contact or touchpoints with customers.

Announcements and Updates

Beyond email advertising, these are emails announcing new company policies and promoting events for user participation or potential service problems.

Remarketing Emails

They seek to restart contact with customers who have already shown interest in a company’s products or services but have not been active lately or did not finish closing the deal.

Email Marketing: KPIS Imprescindibles

  • The number of emails sent is consider: In comparison with the total number of contacts in a database. It calculates if the email marketing campaign has been launch effectively or if technical problems have appeared.
  • The number of emails opened: A successful email marketing campaign means that users not only receive the email but also open it and learn about its content.
  • Click-through-rate: Indicates how many people have clicked on the links in the email, visiting. For example, the business’s website or its online store.
  • Unsubscribe rate: Among the email marketing KPIs, the unsubscribe rate measures how many users have unsubscribed after receiving the marketing campaign.

How to Create a Successful Advertising Email?

First of all, it is precious to have a CRM ( Customer Relationship Management or, translated, Customer Relationship Manager), which helps you segment your database to send relevant messages to the recipients.

For example, suppose you sell aesthetic treatments for women and men and want to communicate an offer for exclusively male treatment. In that case, you can segment your database to send it only to potentially interested parties. By following this strategy, communications will be more valuable. And you won’t risk overwhelming your contacts with the information they don’t need.

After segmentation, it is necessary to choose one of the email service providers, which are tools for sending email campaigns. Among the best known for email marketing, Mailchimp stands out as one of the most popular.


Email marketing is sending a commercial message, usually to a group of people, using it. In its broadest sense, every mail sent to a possible or current customer could be consider mail marketing. It includes using email to send advertisements, request business, or ask for sales or donations.

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