
Python is an open-source, flexible, cross-platform, versatile and utterly free programming language used to develop all applications. It has nothing to do with other languages ​​like .NET or Java, where you need to compile the language to run the application; with Python, they run directly through a program, and you don’t need to translate it.

The Python language is cross-platform, open source and very easy to read and write, which is why it allows you to develop all software without any problem. In addition, it will enable you to work with Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and other technologies currently used.

What is Python for?

What is Python for_

Although it seems like a very new programming language, the origins of Python go back to the early 90s, and its philosophy from the beginning was to create a straightforward programming language with the potential to create all kinds of applications. Unfortunately, the hardware of that time did not allow this, which is why it has now returned with force due to its enormous possibilities.

Python allows you to develop any application on all operating systems quickly. Thanks to its simplicity and power to process data, Python coexists with all kinds of technologies with great use, which is why more and more companies request hiring Python specialists. Let’s see the benefits of Python with some of these technologies:

Artificial Intelligence

Much of the incredible progress in AI in recent years is due to Python. The number of existing frameworks, and its remarkable ability to capture very complex ideas in a few lines. In addition, the robustness and the ease it offers for writing have made this language a great ally of AI.

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Data Science

Little by little, Python is unseating the MATLAB language, used by scientists to work with a large volume of data. What has caused this change? For three main reasons: the power, the simplicity, and the large number of libraries provided by the Python language.

Data Analytics  Big Data

Python has become very widespread in these two areas because of the simplicity in handling large data and a large number of information processing libraries. Python is ideal for analyzing and managing large amounts of data in real-time.

Many companies use this programming language, directly and indirectly, so Python is hidden behind many Data Analytics software. His specialty is analyzing large volumes of data and transforming it into useful information for companies.

Machine Learning

Machine learning apply to AI and robotics is one of the fastest technologies since an ever-increasing volume of data is process and very important information is offer to decision-makers. It provides the precise tools in this field to increase the efficiency and value of data processing.

How Does Python Work?

The Python programming language uses modules of code that are interchangeable instead of a long list of instructions that was standard for functional programming languages. The standard implementation of Python is called ” CPython “. Ultimately, it doesn’t convert your code to machine language or machine code, something the hardware can understand.

It converts it into something called bytecode. The CPU cannot understand this byte code. So we need an interpreter called a Python Virtual Machine (PVM)  that executes the bytecodes.

Who Created Python?

Python was made by computer scientist Guido van Rossum, who worked with a language called ABC in his previous job at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informática (CWI) – National Research Institute for Mathematics and Informatics in the Netherlands. Though he liked some aspects of ABC, he was frustrate by how difficult it was to spread this language.

During the Christmas vacation of 1989, van Rossum decided to try to make his language. Just over a year after, in February 1991, he uploaded the first type of his formation to USENET.

On the other hand, he liked to read the texts of the episodes of “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” by the famous British comedy troupe. Seeking a name that was “short, unique, and slightly mysterious,” he chose to call it Python.

What is it Used for, and what can be Programmed with Python?

It is a general-purpose programming language, which is another way to say that it can be use for anything. Most importantly, it is an interpreted language, meaning the written code is not translate into a machine-readable format at runtime.

This type of language is also known as a ” scripting language ” because it was initially intend to be use in simple projects. However, the concept of “scripting language” has change considerably since its inception because it is now use to program large business-style applications rather than just simple common applications.

A 2019 survey of Python users indicated that the most popular uses were for web development and data analysis. However, only about 6% of respondents used it for game development or app development.

Main Features of Python

Python is a dynamic programming language; it allows the developer to create applications, websites. Video games and all this quickly and easily, which is why it is one of the favourites when it comes to using it for essential client projects that need a solution. Fast.

  • Easy to use: It has a direct syntax in English, making its code easy to handle.
  • Expressive language: It can execute complex tasks using a few lines of code.
  • Interpreted language: The program is execute one line at a time. This gives the advantage of how easy it is to debug.
  • Cross-platform language: It can also run on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Unix and Macintosh.
  • Open-source: It is free and accessible to everyone. It has a large community worldwide dedicated to creating new modules and features.


Currently, there are hundreds of programming languages, although the most used is only about 50; among them is Python. One of the most used languages ​​in software development. In this article, we will simplify what the Python programming language consists of, what it is for and why it is use so much, and the use of clean architecture in Python.

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